
How to Approach Woman

Step by Step:
* Try to start talks with him, speak confidently, but do not try to cool, smart ass, wise guy or jaim (keep the image), usually wrote first.
* Perhaps you are beginning a false confidence, but he will respond to you naturally.
* Practice first with another girl. There are two options here: the girl whom you know and you think he is easy to obtain, or people who you know but you do not feel confident with it. Practice this, anyway it does not matter if it fails because he is not your main target right? Learn how to respond, acted and continues to increase the confident of you.
WARNING! Do not make toys yaa! Do not let her fall in love with you because remember! He was friends berlatihmu.
* Throw light humor or jokes, jokes to warm the atmosphere, or if you see that girl get smart, you should pretend to continue to look stupid and nodding his words, the girl will think you are the listener a full understanding.
* Show and make sure that you control what you say, do not try telling that's not you or you are too exaggerated. Avoid the word "I" that too often. Expand the word "ooohh so yes .." or "hmmm ... you're right ..."
* If you slip with the words that trap, switch it with a joke and make a new humor from the situation. I need to stress but smart and fun.
* Sit close to him and keep a distance of approximately 2 seats, do not stare from the neck down, but look who is talking face-to-mouth.
* Do not be too often joke, if joke you notice in reply with a fake smile. If he smiled without moving the muscles in his eyes clearly means it's a fake.
* Learn the gaze and the direction of his eyes while speaking, if he looked to the right of the mean was thinking about the future vice versa if you look into the bottom left, the lalulah who is becoming his mind.
* Do not be too pushy to talk to him, if he suddenly had to go, you do not need too shocked and jumped up and say "Okay ... Okay ... I'll see ya ..." but to chill out and say "yes Asik chat with you, sometime yes we talk again? Ok .. byee ... "as he gave attention, and avoid" jutex "or pretending ga need. You need him right?
Important tips:
* Make sure you do not body odor, bad breath or too perfumed
* Clothing that is polite, not dirty because you do want him to notice. And be funny, charming.
* Hair neat and toothbrushes, shampoo were the one who has a gentle fragrance. Girls rate boys from smelling too lho ...!
* Do not be mastered, especially if he is too charming and very sexy ... Remember you are trying to get it not to make him afraid of you.
* Note the contents of your bag. Do not ever try to seduce a beautiful girl but your pockets empty. Nowadays all assessed with the material, how he believes you want to watch or take a date if you broke?
* Be prepared if rejected but do not get rejected. Rejection happen to anyone, even Tom Cruise though often rejected.
* Do not until he was not interested at all with you. Learn she's all right, take time and do not rush. Learn, explore and watch.
* Do not take him alone with you at the beginning of your date, but pertemukanlah on your friends and get them all the way together. Keakrabanmu and your value in the eyes of your friends can be extremely valuable for beautiful girls craving.

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