
How to Measuring Performance ?

Malcolm Baldrige is a kind of annual award given by the U.S. government (through the Department of Commerce) to any organization in the country, USA - both profit and non profit - who are considered superior performance nan achieve excellence.Malcolm Baldrige name itself is taken from the name of former U.S. Secretary of Commerce who initiated the activities of this award. Since its introduction in 1988, this annual award has provided significant kontiribusi to quality and performance of the company's diverse business there.Along with that, many countries around the world are adopting the approach and criteria used by the Committee to measure the Malcolm Baldrige performance excellence. The criteria they use is also known as 7 Pillars of Malcolm Baldrige. And if observed, the seven criteria is indeed a very important role in determining the forward pullback of an organization (both business organizations and public organizations).In this brief article, we will discuss the 7 pillars or the Malcolm Baldrige criteria.The first pillar is Leadership. This criterion would like to see how the leaders in your organization display capacity: how they define the vision and goals of the organization, and then communicating it to each member. Also if the leaders in your organization have the skills to manage and inspire his men to achieve performance excellence. Try now think for a moment: about how the quality of leadership of the boss or the boss in your office? It's okay and world-class, or well ... .. so why does my boss ... ...Pillar Two: Strategic Planning. These criteria are going to see how the process of formulating the strategy set your office environment. And that is not less important: whether the content is appropriate strategies to respond to the dynamics of the changing business environment? So what about the strategy set by your office now? Do-do you own not ever "ngeh" to map strategies in your office. Doh.The third pillar: Customer Focus. Are products and services provided by your organization already mak nyuss? Or just a perfunctory quality? Is the product or service that is spread by your office is always fresh nan innovative, and make consumers can smile brightly? Or vice versa: always cast a non-prime and a mediocre quality?Pillar Four: Performance Measurement. Do any leaders in the place you already have key performance indicators (KPI) are clear and measurable? And is it always the key indicators are reviewed periodically to see progress and take corrective action (if the target is missed)? Performance management with clear indicator is one sign of the emergence of performance-based culture in an organization strong.Pillar Five: People Focus. How much attention and commitment of your organization's management to the development of quality human resources? This element also want to see whether the organization has provided a fair reward schemes and attractive to all members. Contributions angggota which soared only be spread if an organization kebjiakan people have a solid and consistent focus.Sixth Pillar: Process Management. This criterion will measure how your office to design and manage key business processes? Does every process flow has been designed with a sleek and efficient? Or there are still many work processes are too bureaucratic, not well coordinated with each other, and it raises many later conflicts among the various sections / departments?Seven pillars or the last: Result. The Seven Pillars is willing to see how the end result organizational performance: is more competitive, more effective, and more and polished performance of all aspects of its organization?Through the 7 pillars on which we can measure the performance levels of your organization. 7 Pillar is also very helpful if an organization about to perform the process of transformation towards a more towering. That is, 7 criteria above can be used as a map, as the roadmap, if your organization would formulate its action plan.Because it immediately act: 7 pillars discussed above with all levels of management in your office. Immediately collated action plan, and create implementation plans.

---Good Luck !!!---

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