
Parent's words as Hipnoparenting

Without realizing the words of parents turned out to be a hypnotist for children. Consciously or unconsciously was already doing hipnoparenting parents to their children. Parents' words and deeds that made repeatedly in the minds of children will be patterned. Therefore cultivate a good thing in his thoughts, words and deeds that will foster positive patterns in the minds of children to always act positively. But the opposite is often true if we are rude and said that was not good like ridicule and invective, such as child stupid, juvenile delinquents, children are lazy and so on, then the words that will be embedded in the subconscious of the child so the child will keep it as true. With the suggestion that children grow up like the mental images that are embedded in his mind.
Avoid using harsh words, because as the proverb says that the words are prayers. Do not blame if your child is naughty because he often did you stamp with the words "bad boy". Also avoid also the words that can lower the child's motivation to do something like "Do not pick vegetables deck yes .. you can not, I'll mess!". These words obviously do not educate children. Children will continue to grow by always felt that he could not do it.
Hipnoparenting parents can be exploited to produce a healthy and intelligent child. This activity can be done anytime and anywhere in daily life. All stimuli such as words and deeds that captured five senses will be absorbed by the child and stored as data in his brain. Someday This data is used as a basis to think and to respond to these events will he face in the future. All events are memorable for children would be kept strong in her subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is working to keep things like habits, feelings, beliefs, personality and other.
Perform in ways such as using positive words are motivated, like "You can do really love ... mama you sure a smart kid!" the words we say this is better than "You're really stupid hell ...!" and so forth. Use body language such as eye contact and touch with sincerity, do not utter the words while doing other activities. Use a gentle word intonation and do it consistently, always and repeatedly. Most importantly give an example, be a good parent to obtain a good boy.
Hopefully useful and can help ...!source:

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