
Serviks Cancer: The Sillent Killer

According to the World Health Organization or WHO, every day some 600 women worldwide die of cervical cancer or cervical cancer. And according to YKI, Indonesian women at least 20 people died from this deadly disease. That means, almost every hour of Indonesian women died from cervical cancer. And it turns out, Indonesia is a country with servikas cancer incidence highest in the world (WHO).
The cause of cervical cancer is caused by viral infection with HPV (human papillomavirus) or human papilloma virus in a woman's cervix. Actually, only a few of the hundreds of variants of HPV that can cause cancer. Cervical cancer can occur if there is an infection that does not heal for a long time. Moreover, if the immune system decreases, the HPV infection will mengganas and can cause cervical cancer. In contrast, most HPV infections will go away, overcome by the immune system. Symptoms of this cancer could barely be detected at an early stage. For this reason, many medical experts referred to it as The Silent Killer.
Cervical cancer has 4 stages:
Stadium 1: confined to the cervix or cervical area only.
Stadium 2: cancer cells spread to the uterus, but not until the bottom wall of the uterus or vagina.
Stadium 3: Cancer cells have spread to the uterine wall and the bawahvagina.
Stadium 4: menyebah cancer cells into surrounding organs such as bladder, rectum, liver, bones, and even lungs.
Causative factor of cervical cancer:
1. bergonta frequent partner in sexual intercourse
2. sexually active at an early age
3. love to smoke
4. the use of birth control pills in the long term
5. wear pads that contain hazardous materials
6. too often give birth, especially in the adjacent time
Prevention of cervical cancer can be done with skrinning and vaccination programs. In some developed countries, this type of cancer cases has begun to decline thanks to a program of early detection through pap smears. HPV vaccine will be given to women ages 10 to 55 years by injection three times, ie at month zero, one, and six. From research conducted, it is evident that the immune response to work two times higher in young women aged 10 to 14 years than those aged 15 to 25 years.
In addition, early prevention of the disease before it reaches even this very necessary. What it is:
* Maintain a healthy diet and regular
* Not having sex too early age (you should not have sexual intercourse under the age of 20 years because the uterus is not fully ripe)
* Not bergonta partner during sexual intercourse
* Wear pads that hygienic and do not contain hazardous materials
* Gives the distance to each birth
* Do not smoke (remember: smoking laws HARAM!)
* For women who are sexually active, or already had sexual intercourse, it is recommended to perform HPV testing, Pap smear, or IVA test, to detect the presence of HPV virus.
---Good Luck !!!---

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