
Why fart smell Always Different?

The question is important not ya? But it often makes people curious and even low self-esteem when farts smell worse than others. Someday perhaps the social status of people can be judged from whether or not perfumed smell fart. :)Well, prior to digress further, I'll tell you first how the mechanisms of gas that is in the digestive tract until the exit in the form of farting.Gas present in the digestive tract largely derived from the air we swallow and the fermentation of food by bacteria along the digestive tract. At school, we had to learn that humans live in the digestive tract are 2 types of bacteria that is bad bacteria and good bacteria. Bad bacteria can make us sick, and fortunately the number of bacteria is very very small.Good bacteria called good because he helps the human digestive process by breaking the food we eat into substances needed human substances. Well, this is the solution process which will produce gas.Gas gas produced quite varied, ranging from karbondioksia gas, methane and hydrogen sulfide. Methane is flammable, so do not be surprised if there is someone who farts can burn. :)Carbon dioxide are odorless and heavier than oxygen. While hydrogen sulfide is responsible for the odor released by a fart.Everyone has a different collection of bacteria vary in pencernaanya channel so that the smell of farts would be different. Type of food we eat also plays an important role in this type of gas produced. So, someone farts smell has nothing to do with heredity or brotherhood and friendship. :)Then the question arises, can we make our farts smell more fragrant? Eg like the smell of perfume Axe, Cassablanca or the other. Some could argue that is by taking antibiotics or drink Germy good. But unfortunately this does not always work successfully. But it does not hurt you to try as long as no adverse effect on health.Still curious about the smell of fart? :)

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