
How toTake the Right Decision & Accurate

EVERY day we are faced with a situation that requires us to make decisions. Decisions can not be perfunctory because our decision today will affect our lives in the future.
Deciding what is important is not an easy thing. Moreover, if the decision is a decision that determines the motion of the company's business. You take a long time to take the best decision. Quite often you hit "dizzy" because when I was thinking, you're forced to make a decision as soon as possible.
To you who are thinking to make decisions, deh try the following quick tips:
1. Do not be afraid to make decisions. Some people are afraid of making decisions. As a result it is not us who make the decisions but keadaanlah that gives us a decision.
2. Do not make decisions emotionally, but use careful consideration. Thus we are able to think rationally and calculate plus minus of every decision that we wish to take.
3. To produce quick decisions, you do not need to delay the time for decision could not only through the process one night only. Keep an eye on any developments that might change your decision at any time.
4. Use a sharp analysis in processing data that you've painstakingly collected. Take the wisest decision and has the smallest risk. You also still need to supervise the implementation of these decisions one after another.
5. Make sure you know the latest date (deadline), when decisions must be determined. After that set deadlines for yourself, when your decision has to be created. Record the date you set as the limit deadline.
6. Define clearly the criteria or qualifications that you must take a decision. For example, the decision should benefit employees and the company or the decision not burdensome for all parties.
7. Gather information and important data that affects the decision. Because who knows the information is necessary for material arguments. Do not forget to specify a time limit information gathering.
8. Make some decisions of alternative data and information already collected. Learn and consider the value or weight of each of these alternatives, which are the most fitting and appropriate.
9. Do not even apply subjective decisions. That is not to choose a decision favorable to you or a group of people alone.
10. When you have studied and carefully consider alternatives such decision, do not hesitate to determine the best decision from which there are several alternative decisions. Remember, hesitation will only make the decision you have taken "raw" return.
11. Announces decision you make in a timely manner and have been determined. When announcing this decision make sure that your data is supported by a strong, accurate, and relevant. If I need to pass the time, saying that the decision was made on consideration and a mature and rational thinking.
12. Do not be afraid to expose your arguments, if there are parties who objected. Do not complain or protest from the recipient's decision makes you think to change the decision you've made.
13. In making decisions, you choose from several alternatives, rather than choosing which one or what is right. So, there is no right or wrong decision. But the decision could have been the result does not fit with what we expect. So, you do not have to regret the decisions that have been taken. What else is fixated on the regrets protracted when the decision you took was not producing the results we expected.
14. After taking a decision, whatever the outcome, you must monitor and hold, and focus your efforts to make the best of what was decided. You can also make adjustments so the results can be directed to the achievement of those objectives together.
15. In a quick decision, as far as possible involve the people associated with the decision taken. By involving them, you can get valuable feedback, in addition, you can invite their commitment to support the decisions that have been taken. All you can do, among others are asking their opinions and suggestions. This information can be used as a reference for making decisions.
Well, if that decision was made, lest you pollute the consequences of the decision-making decisions that have been set together. Good decision!

--- Good Luck ---

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