

Where parents are not happy, when he saw his son study hard without prompting. Almost all parents hope their children will learn on their own, without having to be forced, persuaded with great difficulty, or have to fight first. As a parent, you hope so too, right?

Actually, the culture of "learn" self-originated from the habit of reading early on. Parents who get their children reading early age, will reap the fruit is very sweet; their children are more likely to learn, not lazy, and happy reading. As if, the book is a friend and playmate exciting for them.
Unfortunately, not many parents who realize the importance of reading this early age. They tend to relax at first, and submit it to the school, pending the "results". Until eventually, they will be awakened just after seeing the results of their children's learning are far from expectations.

After seeing the results are less satisfactory, the parents eventually find a way for the kids willing to learn. Not infrequently that use methods of coercion, punishment, a solid schedule of tutoring, the majority had the desire and passion instead of adding children to learn, but instead make them saturated learning. Well, lo ... if it were so, busy as well, right?

Cultivate reading and writing is not something easy. Even so tiring! Why? Because this activity will take a lot of time, drain our energy and thoughts as a parent. But, again, do not be a parent if you do not want tired!
I remembered with my mother. Since I was little, I and my brother familiarized with the book. Before bed, we read a variety of story books. Daily activities were, we were familiar with the book. Incidentally, our grandparents were the school superintendent, and one day they sent us a crate of books reading. Its contents? Hundreds! We further enrich our personal library with a collection of books.

Educate my mother was not a "must" reading. But, mom makes me happy to play with books. And finally, I was good friends with the book. Even while eating, I always took time with a book. Bland taste when eating without the accompanying book. My glasses were minus three, was a result I can not refrain from reading the book, even while sleeping. Until now, I almost became a mother too, was attached to my habit.
Culture of reading the book brought me to the habit of independent learning. I became rich in words, and made me love the world of writing. This is supported by my high imagination. Created fairy tales, poems, short stories my invention.

Many parents do not realize the importance of this in the world of their children. When small, they are probably not show alias glorious achievement of the best values. The existence of instability in the world of children, often making them more likely to "live" in an imaginary world mereka.Kita often tasted them "dreamer", and eventually told them to stop doing so.
What should parents do not stop or tell them to "stop". But give them direction and guidance, where they should go. Followed then the motivation to develop their potential. The result? AMAZING MIRACLES!

You've seen the little writers is less than 10 years, but has produced many works? Well, if you are able to develop the potential of your children, then you have made a valuable investment. Believe, that your children can do better than them all? Sure have!
Intelligence was first built by a child's language skills. And this begins with the reading habits of reading. Children who read a lot, they will have the knowledge, insight more than the other children who do not like reading.

Cultivate reading early on, it does not mean forcing them to seriously until frowned. But, make them love books, like they love playing.
Cultural reading this early on can get you started since he was in your womb. At age 7 months, the fetus can already hear the sounds around her mother. There is nothing wrong, you read the book aloud, as he asked her to speak.

When your baby is born, you can introduce the culture of reading with the cards and educational games. Are not the kids like to play? Well, do not hinder their enjoyment of this. However, make improvements, where children can learn to read while playing. Fun, right?
---Good Luck!!!---


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