
Give a Good Education To Our Children

School is basically a place used for child get an education until he was growing up. However, responsibility for the child's education is not solely the responsibility of the school as a whole.

The most important key in supporting good education for children is the involvement of older adults which in this case the parents of the children concerned. If the parents can be involved directly in the process of a child's education both at school and outside school, it will help improve the educational achievement of the child.

Each student achievement and successful completion of education with good results always have parents who are always being supportive educational process which he lived.

Here are some things that need to be a record of parents to their children to excel in his education.

   1. Physical and spiritual support from parents
      In this case, parents should always give great attention to their children and impart to them the values and goals of education that they are following. They also should understand their child's development while in school to get an education.
      The trick is to visit the school to see the situation and environment education in schools. Demonstrate an open attitude and declare your interest in all school activities, will directly affect the education of children.

   2. Working closely with the Master or the Guardian Class
      Usually when problems arise, then the parents contact the teacher or walikelas their children. Instead, parents need to know the teacher or walikelas in school and establish good relationships with them. Berkominikasilah with teachers for the development of children's education.
      Teachers also need to be given information about the parents is very important view of education for children in schools as part of his life. this will make the teachers pay more attention to children.
      Attend meetings of parents and teachers organized by the school. At this meeting, you have the opportunity to know the child's academic and educational achievement perkebambangan children in school.
   3. Provide time for children
      Always provide enough time for the education of a child. When children come home from school they are generally quite dizzy with the burden of homework or assignments, tests and other things. An ideal thing if there are parents who are at home while the child is about to reach home.
      A child will certainly be happy to tell you when home from school, taking out a complaint and the burden to parents. This can make them begin to tell her friends who are on the naughty to enjoy, thus helping the process of education of the child.

   4. Note the learning activities at home
      Point out that as a parent interested in your own child's education. Make sure the kids are doing their homework.
      Require yourself to learn something with the kids. Membacalah with them, for the education they get is really helpful and they like.
   5. Teach responsibility
      Schools in general will give a lot of work to prepare young children at home and at school. Furthermore, what makes the question of whether they do these tasks properly and well?
      A child can perform its responsibility to do their job in school when their parents have taught them to work responsibilities at home. Try to start giving kids routine housework such as cleaning their own beds.
      So that they can be used to get educational responsibility, which is certainly very they need to succeed in school education and later on in life.

   6. Learning dicipine
      Run discipline firmly but lovingly. If parents are always to the wishes of children, then they will become spoiled and irresponsible. Another problem can arise when parents are too indulgent of children such as free association that can refer to such drugs and free sex.

   7. Health
      Maintaining the health of children is something that is important for the development of children's education. This is because for academic achievement is not disturbed. Children who are tired can not learn well, so the concentration will be reduced.

   8. Being a best friend
      Be a best friend for the child. Take the time to share things with them. A child needs all the friends he could get cooked.
As parents can avoid many problems and concerns over the education of children by remembering that successful cooperation is built on good communication. Good cooperation with the homeroom teacher or the school can also protect the child to get a decent education in schools.

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